
5 Tips How to Get Into the University Orchestra

Have you always dreamed of getting into an orchestra where you could develop professionally as a musician and perform the world’s most recognized pieces of work?

If you are the one who would joyfully participate in various university music programs, make friends with others devoted to the music world, and show interesting techniques on different musical instruments, then try to be recruited into one of the university orchestras. It will provide you with a great opportunity to master your instrument perfectly, whether you play violin or cymbals. Besides, with the special music program introduced annually by directors of music schools, you can travel the world and show other people your performance. Whatever side of the medal you look at, the university orchestra is the best choice for those passionate about what they do or who can’t imagine their life without music. So if you meet any of those criteria, it’s worth trying to use all your efforts to get into the university orchestra and gain complete knowledge, which is not accessible in any other place.

Here are the most helpful tips to show you how to make your dream possible and get recruited to a place where you would practice your artistic skills to reach the best results. 

1. Study with the Teacher

If you don’t have enough experience playing a musical instrument but your desire to be placed in an orchestra is so great that you see no obstacles in pursuing your dream, turn to a professional who could lead you on this challenging but manageable path. It would be best if you picked a teacher who either has experience playing in an orchestra, has proper knowledge of playing a musical instrument, or the one who at least prepared other students for such a career. Thus, you will be able to follow valuable recommendations given by a person who has already undergone the recruitment process and can share meaningful knowledge with you. 

2. Be Fully Engaged in Practicing

Suppose you have an immense intention to fulfill your lifelong dream and become a part of an orchestra team to play the most beautiful music. In this case, you have to put all your efforts and determination into working on your plan. It will be an exciting experience that you will never regret taking on. Being completely engaged in a process and practicing will enable you to reach good results quickly. Besides, the rehearsals can help you improve your ability to play any instrument, starting with strings such as violin, viola, cello, and harp to percussions like piano, cymbals, and xylophone. Some students may say that whatever dedication and hard work you incorporate into your practicing routine won’t guarantee you a positive outcome. When you hear such motivational things, stop thinking about all the negativity people spread due to their own failures. Remember, the world is your oyster. And only you can influence your life. 

3. Use Extra Help

Suppose you have a busy student life and want to finish your nursing classes, but music still plays an important role in your life perception and doesn’t let go of your dream to become a professional musician. In this case, you can utilize some help to manage all your responsibilities effectively and devote more time to music issues relevant to your joining the orchestra. Turning to a reliable writing service can be a good idea, as it will provide you with special assistance to help you cope with the most complicated assignments. Go to to find out more about its usefulness. Once you handle your college problems, you can talk to your teachers, who would also support you in your rehearsals and defend you from some student duties for the sake of music practice. 

4. Attend as Many Concerts as Possible

Many professional musicians would highly recommend you visit as many concerts as you can to understand how an orchestra works and how different musical instruments are combined into a piece of magnificent heavenly music. You will have a chance to watch outstanding orchestras, which can be eye-opening and motivating. You will see the conductors excellently perform their work, leading brass, percussion, woodwinds, and string, playing in unison. Professional musicians play music as if they have this prodigy from birth. However, when you find a chance to talk to them, you will find out how much “smart practicing” and diligence such a performance requires. Thus, getting inspired by the great concerts will help you become more self-motivated and organized to sustain a positive and winning attitude during your journey. 

5. Prepare for Audition

When you are ready to audition, make sure you are comfortable and fluent with at least one Mozart concerto and one romantic scenario. Some students choose standard excerpts from an orchestral repertoire that tend to appear in most auditions. Start learning standard orchestral excerpts early and do take them seriously. The more internalized that music is, the more comfortable you will be in a high-pressure audition scenario. 

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