Well-placed, quality tattoos can be stunning. Ready for some smooth AF tattoos? ????????????
Warning: Listening to too much music may cause an uncontrollable urge to ink your favorite lyrics on your body permanently.
Proceed with caution, and consult with your ears before making any rash tattoo decisions. But hey, if you’re ready to rock and roll with some sick ink, these 55 music-inspired designs are sure to hit all the right notes.
Just remember, if anyone asks if you have any regrets, tell them ‘no ragrets’ with a straight face and a rock and roll attitude.
Here are 55 unique/artful design ideas for inspiration:
1) Mozart Sheet Music (Forearm) ????

Credit: @_____carolyn
2) Sleeve in Process

Credit: @adplace49
3) Abstract 80’s Mixtape ????

Credit: @andrea_kroki
4) Beautiful Flowers and Notes

Credit: @balla_kako
5) Big Traditional Gramophone

Credit: @benjadins
6) Music is Life (Shin)

Credit: @chofolemcke
7) Saxophone (Shin)

Credit: @cmurrietattoo
8) Sheet Music ????
If you want a sheet music tattoo like this, then you’d better bring your piggy bank, because this type of work is very time-consuming.

Credit: @copperbottomedtattoostudio
9) Red Floyd Chili Pepper

Credit: @djayart_tattoo
10) Minimalistic Music Player

Credit: @elle_ink__art
11) Musical Symbols

Credit: @Ethantattoozink
12) Be Whoever You Want to Be – Guitars

Credit: @filleapapatattooshop
13) Music Montage ????

Credit: @guimoraesz
14) Saxophone

Credit: @ink_by.m
15) A Collage of Music Notes

Credit: @inkbyfrances
16) Nashville Music City

Credit: @jaybeetattoo
17) Elegant Musical Notes

Credit: @jeni_the_jedi
18) Wu-Tang Clan-Reunited

Credit: @jr.tats
19) The First Notes of a Song

Credit: @kunstlabor_tattooatelier
20) Musician Image

Credit: @lowrielizabeth_
21) Headphones, Mic, and Sheet Music

Credit: @marcosbrasaink
22) Music Notes

Credit: @martyna_tattoo
23) Tiny Gramaphone

Credit: @marvinsilvatattoo
24) Sleeve for a Guitar Player

Credit: @mist.ink
25) Guitar Sleeve Coverup Tattoo

Credit: @nanditattoos
26) Water Color Sheet Music

Credit: @natantattoo.pl
27) Handpoked Musical Note Finger Decoration

Credit: @nonolottie
28) Flowers and Guitar

Credit: @noremorsetattoostudio
29) Musical Frequency

Credit: @pacheco.tattoo.mty
30) Jimi Hendrix

Credit: @petronellatattoo
31) Mic Montage (Chest)

Credit: @pumukel_182
32) Mix of Nature and Symbols

Credit: @rachel.layman.art
33) Multiple Meanings

Credit: @santiagotr
34) Song with Sheet Music and an Eye

Credit: @scarma.tattoo
35) You’re Such a Sad Song

Credit: @slaytattoo
36) Unicorn Guitar

Credit: @sottize.tattoo.art
37) Tribute to the Chilli Peppers

Credit: @sr.lolo_tattoo
38) Band Logos: sztuka_ciala AC DC, Metallica, Guns n Roses, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer

Credit: @sztuka_ciala
39) Snare Drum Schematics Fineline Circles and Lines ????

Credit: @tat2wince
40) Musica

Credit: @tattoodotcommusic
41) Bicep Music

Credit: @tattooink583
42) Bass Guitar Tattoo

Credit: @tattoopoolink
43) Note Mix

Credit: @tonton_tedk
44) Music is Life Itself

Credit: @urbanrebelsink
45) Simple Pulse Line

Credit: @vaportrailchannel
46) Musical Sleeve Mix

Credit: @kokopelliink
47) Musical Sheet Music on the Arm

Credit: @0one_tattoo
48) One Line Tattoo and Guitar

Credit: @gang2tattoo
49) Where Words Fail, Music Speaks

Credit: @damlasenturk.tattoo
50) Never Forget What Makes You Happy

Credit: @cata.jim_
51) Calf Guitar

Credit: @studioslinkkisa
52) Flowers Mixed with Music

Credit: @kaisatattoo
53) Treble Clef

Credit: @rupintart_com
54) Forearm Musical Symbols

Credit: @jas_tattooz
55) Red Hot Chili Pepper

Credit: @peter_pyker
Start the discussion at talk.hearthemusicplay.com