In the 1993 cult classic film Sister Act II, the character Florence Watson tells her musically...
Author - Penni
The Best Audio and Video Gear in 2022 for Creating Your Next...
Are you jealous of another creator’s TikTok lighting setup? You don’t need to envy...
The Benefits of Learning Piano for Adults
Don’t let anyone talk you out of picking up the piano as a new hobby. The musically inclined...
Unconventional Music Recording Techniques To Try
Making music is a fascinating experience. From the day you kick-start your endeavor or career, you...
Why Sleep Is Important for Singers and Musicians
We have a lot of dreams as musicians. We spend our time dreaming of touring with our bands...
Tips for Making Your Music Livestream More Professional
Being a live musician comes with its challenges: you must constantly keep learning about new...
Headless Guitars and Basses For Beginners – Top 6 Recommendations
Few things in the guitar world are as polarizing as the headless guitar or bass. Some people would...
How To Get Yourself Into a Creative Mindset
When you first get into a creative pursuit like music, the determination and willpower necessary to...
The Different Types of Classic Recording Media
Since its inception at the dawn of the 20th century, audio recording continues to help us document...
Straightforward Ways To Enhance Your Music Career
Being in the music industry is rough. But, after learning straightforward ways to enhance your...