If you are buying a PA system, then you need to consider rather you want a powered mixer with...
Author - Penni
The Best Brass Mutes
Unlike electronic instruments, brass instruments are inevitably loud and they may need to be...
The 12 Best Microphone Stands in 2022
Microphone stands support/hold expensive equipment. Although they are the most important stage...
How to Choose the Best Melodica for Your Budget
The melodica is a free-reed instrument like the harmonica and pump organ. Other names for it...
Brains Are Tuned Up When Parents Add Music to Home-Study Programs
When journalist Melissa Locker shared findings of a Northwestern University research study with...
The [10] Best Keyboard and MIDI Sound Modules
Since the first mainstream keyboard synthesizers were released in the 1960s, musicians from...
How to Choose the Best Electric Guitar Strings
Purchasing electric guitar strings can seem to be a difficult task. Many players become confused...
The 3 Best Violas for Beginners in 2023
A beginner or intermediate student has a generous selection of reasonably priced, quality violas to...
Creating The Best Drum Sound: Best Drum Microphones
As a musician, there is a pivotal moment in every career that marks the transition between the...
The Best Direct Boxes for Stage & Studio
The primary function of a direct signal box (DI box) is to minimize noise, distortion and hum, or...